Answers to the frequently asked questions.
Please check the Tour Rules to see, which rankings apply for a GJG tournament and under which details they become eligible. GJG has no influence on processing times. Please check with the individual ranking institution to receive info, when results will be posted.
Players would need to choose the GJG Tour membership.
Please visit the tournament info page of the respective tournament. A practice round will be booked at the golfcourse directly. Any logistical questions please get in contact with the respective host. He will assist you with your inquiry.
Please click the following page for more information: Companion Guide
23golfleague is an age section from 19 – 23 and GJG Tour a section from 12 to 18
Please check each tournament page indivually for further info.
You first need to login to your GJG account and click the respective tournament. Please wait with your travel plans until you have been confirmed by the host or GJG.